Home & garden, electronics. Performance Max is a reliable aid. The procurement process. The less effort the buyer puts in and the less tortuous the purchase process is (including meeting delivery times), the faster the purchase. 6 biases that influence a purchase decision. More than branding and pricing strategy, purchasing behavior is influenced by: category heuristics, power of the moment, social proof, rarity bias, distinctiveness of authority, and power of freebies.
The power of Emotion: The secret to driving more sales and revenue | Talia Wolf (Conversion Optimization Specialist, GetUplift) 'Conversion optimization isn't about changing elements on the page, it's about solving people's problems'. Nostalgia. McDonald's uses the power of emotions Job Function Email List and relaunches the Happy Meal. How do people make decisions? Based on experiences and emotions. Emotions influence decisions, decisions influence conversions.
Conversions influence revenue. That is why, beyond age, geographic location, we need to understand the emotions of customers. 4 steps to increase conversions with emotional targeting: Research, audit funnel, add emotion to copy & design and give consumers a purpose so it's a purchase they can identify with. 'Not following my goal, but customer goal & see the why': 'Stand better. Sit better. Feel better.