The power of good intentions in the customer experience i am increasingly convinced that in the customer experience the human part is the one that .catches. The fastest and has the greatest impact. Without detracting from the digital transformation the process transformation or the product transformation which are absolutely necessary and .plementary i deeply believe that contact with people makes the difference when deciding where or what we buy or consume. To illustrate this idea i share something that happened to me recently. I recently had surgery on the anterior cruciate ligament in my left knee.
After the operation you have to spend a few days injecting yourself with a substance called .heparin. Which is used to prevent the formation of blood clots after operations like mine. When i had days left of treatment one friday afternoon i realized that i had no more syringes. I didn't have a Mobile App Development Service prescription so i could do two things wait days without the medication or go to the pharmacy and pay full price for the heparin and go to the doctor on monday after with the prescriptions to be reimbursed for what i overpaid. i chose the second option and went to the pharmacy to be sold two packages of two syringes.
Unfortunately they did not have packages of two syringes and only had a package of ten left. Buying a pack of ten meant having syringes for life in the cupboard so i told him i didn't want to waste money or stock up on syringes.well i'll go to another pharmacy to see if there's any luck.wait!.the girl opened the box of gave me and told me that in my condition she was not going to be going from pharmacy to pharmacy looking for and on monday when you go to the doctor you bring the prescription and we will .plete the box again. You'll pay me on monday.