That barely exceed the minimum interprofessional wage. They are especially punished by the Administration when there is a situation of non-payment of the quota, which, during the first six months, is approximately 50 euros; the next six, of 132; the following 18 months, 185; and, from now on, 264, the minimum contribution base for the ordinary self-employed worker. A bonus program that, with barely two and a half years in duration, requires, like employers, to rigorously comply with payment obligations.
However, in this case, not only is the bonus lost in its entirety, but also Social Security obliges the self-employed person to pay a 20% surcharge on the fee of 264 euros. It costs the young entrepreneur more than 317 euros to lose moible number data the bonus. Of course, the possibility of re-engaging in the program is not extinguished. In other words, the self-employed person loses that month of flat rate, but continues to have the rest of the months that he has not used.
Not counting the well-known scant condescension shown by Social Security in the case of these young self-employed people, who, after having risked a good proportion of their savings (even at the risk of losing them in their entirety, if things don't go the way they want them to, would like), does not ask about your earnings, when it comes to fines, for the fact of a delay in the payment of the quota. Automatically, the collection enters the executive phase.