A penalty, on the other hand, is a punishment that is often imposed manually by Google for certain offenses. The fact that Panda and Penguin often go downhill so quickly is simply because the algorithmic update was implemented. Panda or penguin? There is a simple rule of thumb: Panda = Content-based demotion: The error lies in the domain itself Penguin = Link-based downgrade : The error lies outside your own domain Panda factors High bounce rate (short clicks) If users are often dissatisfied, go back to Google and click on the next better result, this triggers Panda-relevant signals.
This is the case with inappropriate, bad or too short content . IMPORTANT: You should India Car Owner Phone Number List definitely check old articles or areas of your domain that are no longer on your radar, because even a few bad pages can damage the good pages of your domain ! “ low-quality content on some parts of a website can impact the whole site's rankings , and thus removing low quality pages, merging or improving the content of individual shallow pages into more useful pages, or moving low quality pages to a different domain could eventually “help the rankings of your higher-quality content.

Source Inappropriate titles and descriptions can also result in poor rankings! If the title says “Buy XY here”, then you should also sell XY and not just provide a product test. A high bounce rate (compared to other pages of the same type) and a short time spent on the page are often the trigger for Panda. For example, also take a look at your page load time , because it can worsen your user experience if it is too high. are just as big SEO factors as poor internal linking. Google says that too many advertising blocks above the fold can be harmful to a page, but I haven't heard anything about it yet.