Start-up costs mayinclude furniture supplies professional fees and licenses. The deduction phasesout if you have over $ in start-up costs. . Memberships Deduction If you becomea member of a trade or professional association your membership fees may bedeductible if they relate to your business. Memberships that serve a social orrecreational purpose such as a country club or golf association would not betax-deductible. . Retirement Plan Deduction You can deduct the amountscontributed to your Simplified Employment Plan (SEP).
If you have atraditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) you might be able to deduct upto $ (or $ if you are over years old).IRA deductions may be by your income and whether you or your spouseparticipated Thailand Phone Numbers 55 Million List in another retirement plan. Avoid Missing Tax Deductions withdoola Books When you are self-employed you want to hold onto every penny youcan. you. Keep track of your expenses to avoidpaying more taxes than you should.
With doola Books youcan easily see all your business activities in one place. Track expenses billcustomers and download your bank transactions through doola. At any point intime you can see where your finances stand. Don’t miss tax deductions forindependent contractors by having a clear view of your business with doolaBooks. FAQs Are independent contractors eligible for tax deductions Yes –independent contractors are eligible for tax deductions. You may deductordinary and necessary costs for your business activities when you areself-employed.