These are just some of the basic steps, but if what you want is to create a digital marketing strategy that is foolproof , then it is best to contact professionals specialized in each of these points. Get in contact with us!Goodbye to the 140 character limit in Direct Messages, Twitter is renewed Home Blog Goodbye to the 140 character limit in Direct Messages, Twitter is renewed Renew or die, that is the premise of modern times and social networks and Twitter knows it. Lately they have introduced some changes.
That users have been discovering little by little, but perhaps one of the most significant is the elimination of the 140 character limitation in direct messages. While one of Twitter's strengths remains being a bold , fast network where you don't need to scroll through Digital Marketing Service giant posts to get the latest news, and which forces creatives to create great messages in less than 140 characters, it Which is quite a challenge, the private part of Twitter does not necessarily have to follow the same precepts.

Direct messages, which can now hold longer one-on-one conversations, now become a space similar to that of a chat, where the exchange of information can be even more enriching and therefore a little more fun, which at the same time long, it will generate more engagement in the networks. Long direct messages are already a reality, so all you have to do is update the Twitter apps to be able to enjoy this feature, which is definitely a big step in the changes to the network.