Audience > Behavior > Engagement > Visit Depth ( ) If the vast majority of users have a visit depth of , this is important information for you that something needs to be improved. Acquisition > All traffic > Referrals > Entry page You will check to which pages the links that attract traffic to you most often go. Behavior > Site Content > All Pages > Page Overlay This makes it very easy to see where your traffic is going. Audience > Technology > Network > Hostname ( ) Useful for sites with multiple subdomains. Conversions > E-commerce > Product effectiveness > Shopping behavior.
If you have tagged your store correctly, you will see a summary of metrics such as adding a product to the cart, displaying a product on the list or displaying a product card. The additional dimension ( ) allows you to add additional information to the table. It will be perfect, for example, if you are wondering what products discount photo retouching coupons are most often used for, what content interests Internet users from different countries or what times your articles are most often read. You can also customize the way the data is displayed. Typically, you have very similar options to choose from, i.e. Data, Percentage Breakdown, Performance, Comparison, and PivotTable. You may come across a bonus format in several reports.
For example, after integrating Analytics and Search Console or in Campaign reports, you can display data in the form of a term cloud. Google Analytics features - term cloud Fig. Example of a term cloud . Grouping There is information in Google Analytics that you can further group. Imagine that you run AdWords campaigns and you would like to see separate statistics about your brand and other keywords in Analytics. Or maybe you have categories on your page that you'd like to group, but the URL structure means Analytics can't do it automatically using the Behavior > Site Content > Content Analytics report? Grouping comes to the rescue.