Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of web3 As we move into the era of web3 and the world of technology continues to expand, life will become more convenient than ever before. You know that the future will be a brighter world. So, what kind of benefits and expectations can we expect in the web3 era? We will also explore the disadvantages and points to be careful about when handling digital information. Advantages and expectations of web3 After all, the biggest advantage of web3 is the distributed ledger technology based on blockchain. This means that digital data is no longer controlled by a single company, but instead has multiple eyes, making it nearly impossible for it to be misused, leaked, or tampered with.
In today's information society, where cell phone numbers list the management of personal information is considered important, the most important issue is how to protect and manage personal information. However, with this blockchain, this problem was quickly solved. And business opportunities will arise in the virtual world that incorporates NFT and DAO mechanisms. This is a market that even GAFAM has not yet monopolized, and it will be a decentralized management system with no central authority. The value of this market and the potential of crypto assets, including virtual currencies, are endless. Just like GAFAM, which rose rapidly in the 2000s, anyone can gain market share.

web3 disadvantages and things to be careful about On the other hand, let's think about the points and disadvantages you should be aware of when changing to web3. While the market value in the virtual world is rapidly increasing, the value of virtual currencies is still unstable. Unlike money in the real world, not everyone owns it, so depending on the state of the transaction, the value may plummet. In fact, while Bitcoin's market value increased for a time and its value soared, there were also cases where the value plummeted as soon as unpleasant rumors were spread. Therefore, unlike regular money, virtual currency is called a crypto asset and is considered an asset whose price fluctuates a lot, like stocks and land.