General manager, among others. In short, it is the highest authority in the management and administrative direction of a company , organization, association or institution. This position must not only ensure planning and executing techniques to meet the objectives, but also verify if it is necessary to generate any changes to achieve them. I'll give you an example: if you are an old company and you are not getting the desired results, it is most likely because you are getting stuck in the old marketing format . A good CEO must grasp this deficiency and try to catch up with technology through a digital transformation . If you want to know more
about digital transformation, leave your email in the form below to Bolivia Mobile Number List receive a free ebook on the topic Guide on Digital Transformation! Download it for free to learn the step by step of a digital transformation Can any business owner be called CEO? The answer is no! The owner is not always going to be the CEO or vice versa. It only happens in particular cases such as, for example, in Startups , which, because they are such small and new companies, it is the owner who knows the most about their management and is the most qualified to perform both functions . But it does not happen in all cases, for example, at Microsoft, the CEO of the company is currently Satya Nadella, but until 2008 it was Bill Gates himself (co-founder along with Paul Allen) who is also one of the owners of the company. Therefore, today, Bill

Gates is a co-owner, but not the CEO . What functions does the? Learn about the most relevant functions of this important position: Velar por la visión y misión de la empresa Una de las funciones de mayor relevancia que tiene el CEO de una empresa, es la correcta distribución de la información, asegurándose que todos los trabajadores conozcan los objetivos, misión y visión que persigue la empresa. Planificar estrategias Una vez trasmitidos los objetivos y valores a todos los trabajadores, el CEO debe planificar y ejecutar las estrategias necesarias para que se cumplan. Debe coordinar en conjunto a todos los departamentos de la empresa, el camino a seguir para cumplir las metas propuestas. Crear un buen equipo y manejarlo Un buen CEO, es aquel que