What types of ads are posted on LinkedIn? 5. How to create an ad on LinkedIn: First, make sure that a large percentage of your target audience is on LinkedIn, meaning that it is worth investing in marketing on LinkedIn. There are of course several ways to ensure this, and I will explain them to you in a simplified way. You may be interested in seeing 4 steps to mastering Instagram marketing.
First: Verify the total number of LinkedIn Rich People Phone Number List users in the country in which you want to market your products or services, as it is preferable that the number of users in the country you target be no less than 300,000 users. Second: Make sure that your target audience is not less than 100,000 users, after adding the main targeting data (country - age - gender - general interests - other detailed targeting data) Third: After meeting the previous two conditions, make sure to allocate a budget of $300 to run a test advertising campaign to measure the average costs of achieving the main marketing goals, especially the cost of acquiring a potential customer.

In general, the duration of the test advertising campaign should not be less than 7 continuous days on any advertising platform, but in the case of marketing on LinkedIn, it is preferable that the duration of the test advertising campaign be 15 continuous days, with a budget of $20 per day. You must take into account that user behavior on LinkedIn differs from Facebook and Instagram in terms of the number of times they visit the site or application, as well as the daily duration of use. Fourth: and ensuring that the cost per lead is appropriate for your business, you can invest more in marketing on LinkedIn and make sponsored ads on it.