methods are increasingly implemented on modern smartphones ,it makes sense that these are the most commonly used biometric processes. Aquarter of those questioned in Quebec (25%) revealed that they did not use anyof the biometric markers mentioned in our survey. use of biometric technologiesin Quebec We might wonder why other biometric markers are less popular thanfacial and digital recognition. theQuebecers surveyed: 56% of them use biometrics with an Android device and 45%with an iOS device. Biometric data can also be collected via computer; only 14%of people surveyed in Quebec use Windows machines and 13% MacOS laptops. Thereare many reasons why consumers are adopting
biometrics. If the device is stolen, biometrics providepeace of mind: users know that thieves will not be able to access their bankaccount or other personal information. Here are some of the most common reasonsprovided by Quebec biometrics users: 71% of them use it to Special Phone Number Data unlock apps anddevices. 35% use it to carry out financial transactions 22% use it to makepurchases Has the pandemic impacted the use of biometrics? The COVID-19pandemic has clearly had an impact on the use of biometrics. When we askedCanadian users about when they started using biometrics, 14% of biometricsusers say they started after the pandemic. The same is true for 14% of usersusing fingerprint scanning. With the increase in time spent on mobile apps ,the use of biometrics
is a trend that isn't going away anytime soon. Despite theincrease in the use of biometrics, some Canadians continue to be wary ofprocesses that require personal information to function. For example, 41% ofthose surveyed have never used a proof of vaccination certificate and 20% nolonger use it. If the majority of these respondents who do not use them or nolonger use them explain that the need is not felt, 14% refuse to use proof ofvaccination applications because they are not sure of the use which will bemade from their data. use of proof of vaccination certificates in Canada andQuebec Respondents in Quebec are a little more willing to use the vaccinationpassport. Only 30% of them say they have never used it. 52% of Quebecerssurveyed still use