Penguin 1.2
On October 5, 2012, this algorithm was updated. Until this version, only English sites were checked and penalized by the Penguin algorithm. But this algorithm in version 1.2 was able to check all websites with different languages.
Penguin 2.0
On May 22, 2013, changes were made to the core of the Penguin algorithm. By changing Norfolk Island Email List and updating this algorithm, about 2.3% of the results were affected. Prior to this version, only links to important categories and the home page were checked. But Penguin, from version 2.0 onwards, checked all pages on websites and penalized any page that contained malicious links.
Penguin 2.1
The Penguin algorithm was updated again on October 4, 2013. In version 2.1, about 1% of the results were affected. Google did not release any official explanation about this version. But according to the available data, this algorithm analyzed the sites more deeply and more accurately to find spam links.

Penguin 3.0
The Penguin algorithm was updated to version 3 on October 17, 2014. Google announced that extensive changes have been made in this version. But in fact, the core of the algorithm had not changed and only the information and data had been updated. In this update, Penguin became a little more accurate and found sites that were not caught in previous versions and used black hat SEO and reduced their rank. It also forgave websites that were penalized by the algorithm and corrected their mistakes. As a result, their rank improved.
Penguin 4.0
Almost two years after the 3.0 update, version 4 was announced as the last update to the Penguin algorithm. An important thing happened in this version. Penguin algorithm was added to the core of Google! When an algorithm becomes one of the main algorithms, it does not mean that the algorithm's performance has changed. Rather, Google's attitude to this algorithm changes. In this version, Penguin disables low-reputation links and avoids penalizing them. If in the previous versions, the offending sites that produced spam links were punished and eventually removed from the results page.